Sunday, November 1, 2009

After trick or treating

Playing with baby Chase's toys
Brayden might be too big for the bumbo seat!
Brothers hanging out
Sharing some candy corn!
Nothing like enjoying the spoils of the evening!!

More Halloween night

Heading in after Brayden said his bucket was getting too heavy!

Brayden showing off his loot with his flashlight

Brayden, Ben and Uncle Kyle at one last door.

More scary lawn decorations. Can't really see the smoke...

Daddy and Ben with the setting sun.

Halloween night cont

Brayden knocking
Some scary decorations that Brayden says "Mommy just pretend, right?"

The streets were packed with costume clad children!

Brayden and Uncle Kyle getting their buckets filled

Halloween night

Full moon!
Brayden and Michael Jackson (Uncle Kyle)

Benny was so tired!! Brayden boldly went to each door and said trick or treat each time.
He also said thank you!! Mr. Manners!!

Heading out in the wagon, Ben is all smiles!

Brayden in a separate wagon with all the "supplies"!

Early Halloween evening

Prior to trick or treating we went to some friend's home for dinner and a little play.
The boys loved Jake's new play set and his big yard!

Halloween day

Susy and Bianca brought the boys some Halloween cookies, which they clearly loved!