Sunday, June 28, 2009

Barnuevo visit

Alvin and Betty recently visited from Va with their two boys Ayden and Brody. The four boys played very well together (there were still a couple run-ins over toys) and they all loved the beach, pools, and just having buddies around. It was a great visit and we look forward to more trips together.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Our new addition...the beach house

In March we purchased a beach house in Galveston and we love it. Most of Galveston Island is a bit scary but we are all the way at the southern tip and it is a private 1000 acre community. The beach is closed off so there is no driving allowed on that portion, the beach is groomed which is nice as all the Ike debris continually resurfaces, there are two beautiful pools, and lots for the kids to do. There is a small pond behind the house where we go crabbing with the boys. Brayden loves crabbing with his net. However, the water level is dropping dramatically in the heat so there is a rim of mud that Brayden (Mr. Type A) HATES to get on his shoes. I don't understand how he acquired such high standards of cleanliness, but it is funny. We go almost every weekend and have greatly enjoyed being beach bums!

Trip to the zoo

The Houston Zoo is a fabulous way to spend a morning and we go often. On this trip Brayden's buddy Jake joined the fun. The boys loved looking at the elephants and riding the train that runs around the park surrounding the zoo. Little Ben slept through most of the trip! Now that it is so hot our activities will include the aquarium and children's museum as they have a/c!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Yard rehab

We redid our backyard and now it is a beautiful and useable space. We tore up the old wood
patio and put down flagstone. What a remarkable difference. We removed landscaping from one corner and put in a play structure for the kids. The sand box under the fort has been the favorite. We did the yard at the start of March so the kids got lots of great outside play time before the summer heat set in. Now we only play outside if it involves being in the pool. Today we broke a record for the hottest day in June ever with 104 degrees. We stayed inside!!

Recent events

We celebrated Ben's first birthday in May with a handful of friends in Houston and again in Va with family. Brayden says "Ben turn one twice, once in Ouston and once at Lake House". I wonder how many parties we will have to have for him!!